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Taking Care of Yourself


Taking Care of Yourself

I’ve been wanting to write this post for awhile and with a new season upon us, it seemed appropriate to talk about self-care and strategies for taking better care of yourself and your health. So here we go!

Self-Care Strategy 1: Vacations

I think vacations should be mandatory. End of story. Regardless  of what you do for a living, I think we all need a break from time-to-time. Vacations are vital for renewing our creativity and passion. I firmly believe that taking a break makes us happier, more productive, and able to bring more to work and life because we are present. For reals.

This is exactly why I’ve shared some of my past vacations with you here on the blog:

As I started putting this post together a few weeks ago I realized that in 2015 I didn’t have anything to report. I took some a couple of days off to move in the spring… I took a day off on my birthday to make cat party hats (don’t judge)… And here we are at the start of fall and it’s no wonder I’m feeling totally. burned. out.

On top of my usual struggle of balancing a full-time job with running my blog/business, doing freelance work, and working with the PCC Cooks program, I’m also in the midst of finishing my third cookbook (whoa!). Let’s also not forget other things like trying to be a good cat mom (seriously, don’t judge) and figuring out how to have a social life (what’s that?!)

A few weeks ago as I evaluated life I realized that I really needed a few days off to rest and recharge. I found a way – even in spite of my busy schedule – to make this happen and took a five-day break around Labor Day weekend. I’d definitely love to take some more time off before the end of the year, but hey, it’s a start. And, we all have to start somewhere. (wink, wink)

Taking Care of Yourself

Self-Care Strategy 2: Basic Health

I don’t know about you, but when life gets crazy, I often will neglect the little things. Overall I’m pretty good about continuing to eat healthy and work out, but I have definitely been known to neglect important things like doctor’s appointments, eye exams, and haircuts. Can you relate?

When I took some time off a few weeks ago, I got my priorities in order:

  • I got some new glasses (pictured above)
  • I got a (much-needed!) haircut (pictured above).
  • And I did some basic life maintenance like an oil change for my car, backing up files on my computer, and organizing my closet.

What basic health/life needs of yours could use a little attention right now?

Taking Care of Yourself

Self-Care Strategy 3: Sleep. No, really.

Sleep play s a fundamental role in the body so when we’re exhausted and overwhelmed with life, one of the best things we can do for our bodies is sleep.

If you’re struggling with getting enough sleep and creating a bedtime routine, you might also enjoy these other posts:  How to Get Better SleepHow to Relax Before Bed, and How to Create a Bedtime Routine.

Self-Care Strategy 4: Have fun!

What’s the point of life if we’re not enjoying ourselves, right? At the end of our lives, I believe that the things that will have mattered the most will be the people in our lives, the dreams we reached for (even if we failed), and all of the beautiful little moments. However, in the day-to-day hustle of life, fun is often one of the first things dropped from the to-do list. (At least, speaking for myself.)

When we think about self-care, we have to think about taking the whole self into consideration and it’s vital to remember that relaxation, enjoyment, and FUN are vital parts of a healthy life too! As part of practicing better self-care and having more FUN, this past weekend I went out dancing with friends and spent a whole afternoon doing nothing but relaxing and drinking tea. To be completely honest, having more fun is something I often struggle with, but this is one of my goals for fall so I’m excited to share more strategies with you along the way.

Now it’s your turn: what are your favorite strategies for practicing better self care and creating a healthier, happier life? Share them in the comments below!

The post Taking Care of Yourself appeared first on In Sonnet's Kitchen.

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